How to obtain a BSN?
In the Netherlands, the BSN (Burgerservicenummer) is an acronym for "Citizen Service Number" in English. It is a unique identification number assigned to residents of the country. The BSN plays a crucial role in administrative processes and is utilized by various government agencies, employers, healthcare institutions, and other organizations.
To obtain a BSN, individuals need to register with their local municipality (gemeente) and be listed in the Personal Records Database (Basisregistratie Personen, BRP). Once registered, the municipality issues a BSN as a means of identification for interactions with government bodies and private entities.
The BSN is necessary for a wide range of activities, including opening a bank account, accessing healthcare services, and commencing employment. It is essential to treat the BSN as personal and confidential information, safeguarding it against unauthorized access or misuse. Protecting the privacy and security of your BSN is paramount.
Registration (BSN) service
Please find information on the registration (BSN) service Expatcenter can offer you. If the company is an officially recognized sponsor of the IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Service), then you might be able to use the company address for a maximum of three months for your registration (BSN), while you find permanent housing.
Within five days of your arrival (or as soon as you know the date you will travel to the Netherlands), you need to contact the municipality and schedule a registration (BSN) appointment. There are no costs for this. You will have to go to this appointment in person. You can start working with an appointment for the BSN number!
Expatcenter (paid option) can gladly assist you with getting the registration (BSN) appointment at the municipality. They can arrange the registration (BSN) appointment based on city hall's first available date. At this moment, the municipalities are very busy. Their service fee for scheduling the registration (BSN) appointment is €100, excluding VAT. The price includes them making daily checks to see if an earlier date becomes available. Kindly let them know if you would like to proceed, and they will arrange this as soon as possible.
Expatcenter also offers a service where they schedule a bank appointment so you can open a Dutch bank account before receiving your BSN. Kindly note this is only possible for working professionals with an employment contract. You must be working and residing in the Netherlands, and certain salary conditions apply. If you fit the criteria, their service fee is € 100,-, excluding VAT, to schedule the appointment. If you choose both of our services, they can offer a package deal for €150, excl. VAT. It includes scheduling the registration (BSN) appointment and making daily checks with the municipality for potentially an earlier date, and scheduling the Dutch bank account appointment.
The abovementioned prices are for one person. Kindly note that they also have couple/family rates. If there is anything else that Expatcenter may assist you with, please let them know. There are all types of services that they can assist you with, for example, getting you your BSN, finding housing, health insurance (before having received a BSN), a Dutch bank account (before having received a BSN), an immigration lawyer, financial& tax advice, Dutch lessons, etc. Kindly note that they provide free-of-charge assistance for the first encounter by email or phone conversation. However, if the professionals need to be involved, they will send you the rates.
Nice to know!
Expatcenter also offers doctor services for expats who have not yet received their BSN (& also after they have received their BSN). As well as programs to help the expats find the right schools for their kids. Do not hesitate to contact them for more information.
Expat Center | Fred. Roeskestraat 115 | 1076 EE Amsterdam | tel: 0900 9811 (or +31 20 4411 426 when calling from abroad)
Please send this info to:
Please send the following information to Expatcenter so they can start with all the process:
- Will you reside in the Netherlands for less than four months OR longer then four months?
- Will this be your first registration in the Netherlands?
- (Q3 IS ONLY APPLICABLE IF YOU ARE STAYING IN THENETHERLANDS FOR LONGER THAN FOUR MONTHS) Do you have a rental or a buying contract? If you are staying in the Netherlands for longer than four months, you need to have a Dutch residential address to register and get your BSN, and you have to register at the municipality where you live.
- (Q4 IS ONLY APPLICABLE IF YOU ARE STAYING IN THENETHERLANDS FOR LONGER THAN FOUR MONTHS) What is your Dutch residential address? If you are staying in the Netherlands for longer than four months, you need to have a Dutch residential address to register and get your BSN, and you have to register at the municipality where you live.
- Are you a student OR a working professional?
- (Q6 IS ONLY APPLICABLE IF YOU ARE A STUDENT) If you are a student, are you tied to a Dutch educational institution?
- What is your nationality?
- What is your full name?
- What is your birth date?
- Are you already in the Netherlands? If not, on which date will you arrive?
- Which country are you coming to the Netherlands from?
Also check this PDF for more info!